could really use a couple sales today. 1 or 2 copies would do the
trick. Anyone who has been considering getting the book and has not yet,
who does so in the next 8 hours, until 11pm EST, will be able to take
advantage of an old deal I was offering, that I no longer offer, but am
offering again for this limited time only. I will allow 1 free hour of
personal 1 on 1 phone contact time to discuss the subject matter of the
book. The book itself while being an excellent source of information in
general, for some reason when the things I explain in the book are
articulated verbally in several different ways, people really grasp
these concepts quicker. All my readers and members, please do all that
you can to drive as many people to get my book as possible. This is not
just a financially motivated objective, but more so than money, the
dissemination of this information at a faster rate is the true goal. The
little money I charge compared to the
value of the information I offer is just enough to cover costs so I can
continue doing this work without having to slave away for someone else,
which frees up my time to be here helping people. The more people who
get my book, the faster this will all come about, and the sooner we will
enjoy a country once again rooted in the rule of law, the respect of
each others equal individual sovereignty.
Those of my
readers who have already obtained my book for themselves could also be
of great assistance to me here. I KNOW that everyone who has my book
loves it, I am asking that those who have already obtained and read it,
to perhaps purchase a copy for a friend or family member, someone who
would benefit from the knowledge, whether they are already in the cross
hairs of bureaucracy or not. It is better for people to come to my work
BEFORE the shit hits the fan in their lives, so IF some bullshit with so
called law enforcement officers pops off they will be prepared to
handle it preemptively.
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